Hey friend, love the website thanks so much. I've got this problem where I'm on my phone and see a game and think "Oh that looks like a good game" and I absentmindedly press the box thinking (erroneously) that it will present me with a stream of the game, when INSTEAD it reveals the score of the game and spoils it for me. I propose a smaller button with an onClick that reveals the score instead of the whole box having the onClick. I understand if this is just too specific to my dumb ass to implement, but I would appreciate it.
admin from Germany ·
I wonder how common a problem this is haha. I could certainly change that, but it would probably make someone else complain... What do you mean by stream anyway? The video section?
Couldn’t you somehow try to be more mindful when using the app? Maybe meditation could help ;)
Adam from United States ·
@admin I have done this before too.
Tango Quaalude from United States ·
@admin I've certainly been more mindful about it, so in that way the app has gotten me that much closer to enlightenment. I stream using a different site, and just tend to forget that it's a different site cuz I'm a dummy.
admin from Germany ·
@Tango Quaalude Added an option called "I'm a dummy" in settings which will show a warning for you ;)
Edit: my legal department has advised me to rename the setting to "Show spoiler alerts".
Himothy Tardaway from United States ·
@admin Nice! Good solution, thanks brother
Frank from Germany ·
One would think that someone from Germany, a country plagued by Islamist violence, would have the sense to stand with those fighting terrorism rather than those perpetrating it. What's that? You support the Palestinian people, but not the terrorists? The reality is that the Palestinian people elected Hamas and continue to overwhelmingly support them as well as the 7.10. massacre. Indeed, their violent and backwards mentality is the reason that even their Arab neighbors want nothing to do with them; honestly, you might as well display an ISIS flag. Is it going to require a member of your family to get stabbed or run over by one of these lunatics for you to wake up?
admin from Germany ·
No one with half a brain and a somewhat functioning moral compass is buying the "we're only fighting terrorists!!" bogeyman. And it's not like they're even pretending anymore, so why even make the effort writing a comment like that? Unless it makes you feel better about supporting the oppression and mass killing of innocent people. Then sure, I get it.
Frank from Germany ·
@admin If you are concerned with the mass killing of innocent people, how about showing solidarity for the people of Yemen or Sudan? Or better yet, since none of this has anything to do with basketball, spare us your feeble attempt at virtue signaling.
admin from Germany ·
@Frank Man I was looking forward to some new talking points in 2025. What a bummer. But alright, you said what you had to say, let's leave it at that.
Billy Jutler from Germany ·
Hi there, i just got spoilered. I was curious about where the next game of the heat was the Lakers will take place. By clicking on the event I saw that it will be played in Los Angeles. But at the same time I saw the record of heat. 20- 17. Therefore I got spoilered because I didn't so the game before. Example against Portland. For me the heat is at 19-17 record.
Maybe it's possible to also don't show the team record until you want to see that by clicking on a game which already has been played . But for future games it would be great if we don't see any kind of record or standings at all
Andrealutti from Italy ·
Ciao, buon 2025, ringrazio per il sito stupendo e per tutto il lavoro che fate. Chiedo cortesemente se è possibile valutare l’estensione della valutazione del rating della partita e dei messaggi oltre il termine attuale. Grazie.
admin from Germany ·
Ciao Andrea, I'll extend the window for comment submissions, no problem. Let me think about whether doing the same for voting would be beneficial.
Andrealutti from Italy ·
@admin Grazie per la gentile risposta. La richiesta deriva dal mio personale caso in cui spesso, per motivi familiari e di lavoro, riesco a vedere le partite 2 o 3 mesi dopo che sono state giocate. Cordiali saluti.
Yan from The Netherlands ·
Hello Great site, I use it daily. I was wondering why is the embedded youtube quality relatively low? Is there a settings that can be changed in order to view the video at a higher quality?
admin from Germany ·
Video quality is controlled by YouTube itself depending on your connection and presumably other variables. I couldn’t reproduce this though. Does the quality change when viewing in fullscreen mode? Maybe try going to YouTube directly and see if the video quality is set to a certain resolution instead of auto.
Chris from Spain ·
Hi, I've been following this website for a long time, firstly I need to express my full gratitude, thanks for your great effort, I have set this page as my home page :D
So here's my suggetion, there's a hint "What’s the final score differential?", I really think it is better to use "Range" instead of the specific number, this could be way more "Unspoilering". My idea is, you can use three "Range": 1-3, 4-6, ≥7. Basically, this three range will tell whether the game worth a watch on the full gameplay, or just highlights.
admin from Germany ·
Thanks Chris. Doesn't this already exist though? Right above score differential there's a hint with 3 options (>5, >10, >15).
Rytis from Lithuania ·
Hey, I see this website is still going strong, hooray! My wish is to see team records near their names to help decide which game I want to watch (those with winning records are more interesting). It would be amazing if you could sort a day's games by combined wins of two teams playing a game. For example on Tuesday, Nov 19, the top game would be BOS vs CLE with 26 total wins, then OKC vs SAS with 17 and so on. I realize that might be a lot of work so simple team records would be enough :)
Lemms72 from Germany ·
Hi Nic, is it possible to do a little correction on Boxscores? When SGA from Okc is playing, the name is overwriting the PTS.
admin from Germany ·
Definitely. Will be fixed with the next update.
Lemms72 from Germany ·
@admin Thx 🙏🏼
André Santos from Dominican Republic ·
Hi! Great work on this! I don't if it's possible, but when you click in the game to reveal the score, I think it'd be cool to have each team's record (e.g. 3-1) to see how they compare. And maybe even which place in the conference are they. Anyway, just s suggestion, great work!
Sean from Switzerland ·
Love the website. Something in the algorithm needs to be tweeked. Last Night's Blazers Pelicans game ended in a game winner and game saving block and it was rated a 4/10. Aren't close games supposed to be 10/10?